Friday, March 16, 2012

Reflection Post

As I reflect on this course, I have acquired much knowledge from my colleague on childhood obesity. I enjoyed interviewing everyone, and I was soaking all of that information in. I can understand more about why I want to advocate for childhood obesity.
I interviewed the Physical Education Teacher; she has been a PE teacher for over sixteen years. I was impress when she stated that her most concern was heart disease. She does a fundraiser for the American Heart Association each year. The student is educated about their heart. The do an obstacle course, and then stop to listen do their heart.
The CATCH grant was able to provide them with more funds for equipment. This allows her to do different activity with the children. Another concern that she had was that the children do not like to move. She found it was a challenge to get the children to become physically active.
I believe that one day I will be able to accomplish the dream that I have for the children. The dream is to have a activity center where children can come each day. The center will consist of a full size gym, ping pong tables, basketball court, volleyball, indoor track, exercise equipment, etc. There will be everything that a child can use to help him/her to become physically active.
In doing this I feel it will enlighten the community on the importance of children becoming physically fit. Yes, I can say that this course has helped me in so many ways and has given me more ideas that I could have even dream!


  1. Patty,

    I just wanted to take a moment to give you thanks for the responses you left on both my blogs and my discussions! You not only gave me suggestions that I was able to share with our Family Service Worker but you also asked me questions that led me to think in a different direction. I hope that we will be in EDU 412 together and will be able to collaborate next quarter! Way to go, we made it through this course!!

  2. Patty,

    What is the CATCH grant? Is it something that is local to Chicago? We opened a new sensory playground at our school this fall. It has a water fall, stream, sandbox, bike bath, bear den, coyote den, and we will be planting a garden soon. Thursday it was so nice out that I took my afternoon class out to the playground for the entire afternoon. The children interacted and explored in so many different and exciting ways and spent almost the entire time running! It was great to see them so active!

  3. Hi Patty,
    My advocacy is also in early childhood obesity. I like reading your post about creating a place where children can go to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Physical education is important to our children's health and it is important to fighting obesity in children.My view point is also for children to eat healthy meals at school and home and also get the proper exercise added to their daily routine. I feel that school systems should be supportive children eating healthy and having physical activity.
